MATLAB Assignment 2

Math 473 Spring 2021

This document is called a live script. It combines MATLAB code, formatted text (like a word processor) and the outputs from the code (including graphs and the results of printing statements) into an integrated document. This is a great format for turning in homework. Feel free to make a copy of this document, and use my codes as the basis for your homework. Just be sure to delete any of the words are code that would not form part of your answer, things like this paragraph. After you write and run the code, click the triangle beneath the "Save" button at the top-left of this window and save the result to a PDF to hand it in.
You learned in class the Euler method for approximating a solution to the differential equation
Given an initial condition , the method gives a sequence of approximations using the recursion scheme
where and h is the time step chosen by the user.


We could use a simpler recursion to define a sequence of values
We know the exact solution to this recurrence is
so we plot this as well;
N = 10;
x = zeros(1,N+1);
x(1) = 0;
for j=1:N
x(j+1) = x(j) + j;
xExact=n.*(n+1)/2; % note the use of .* to multiply arrays!

The Euler method

Now we're ready for the real thing. Let's solve the problem
This has exact solution (which is easy to find because the ODE is separable)
tFinal = 2*pi;
N = 100;
t=linspace(0,tFinal,N+1); % type 'help linspace' to see how this works
I want to point out the syntax used to define yExact in the above line. In particular the .* notation which is used for elementwise multiplication, since exp(1-cos(t)) and (1+t) are each vectors. You will need this to form the exact solution below, you will also need to use the .^ notation to compute an elementwise power.
x(1) = 1; % setting the initial condition
for n=1:N
x(n+1) = x(n) + h * (sin(t(n))+1/(1+t(n)))*x(n);
plot(t,x,t,xExact,'--'); xlabel('t'); ylabel('y'); title('Look, ma! I solved an ODE in MATLAB!');
error100= max(abs(x-xExact));
fprintf('The maximum error = %0.2f.\n',error100)
The maximum error = 2.85.
Note I used the max function to evaluate the error.
That error is a little bit larger than I'd like, let's double the number of points and try again
N = 200;
t=linspace(0,tFinal,N+1); % type 'help linspace' to see how this works
x(1) = 1; % setting the initial condition
for n=1:N
x(n+1) = x(n) + h * (sin(t(n))+1/(1+t(n)))*x(n);
xlabel('t'); ylabel('y'); title('Look, ma! I solved it even better!');
error200= max(abs(x-xExact));
fprintf('The maximum error = %0.2f.\n',error200)
The maximum error = 1.49.
fprintf('The maximum error went down by a factor of %f.\n',error100/error200);
The maximum error went down by a factor of 1.907074.

Using a function

Note how the differential equation is hardcoded inside the for-loop. This is very bad programming practice (can you see why?), but I did it to make things simpler in the demonstration. It is much better practic to define the differential equation inside a function. At the bottom of this file, you will find the definition of a function f. Below I solve the same differential equation again, replacing the explicit formula by a call to the function f. You should do it this way instead.
for n=1:N
z(n+1) = z(n) + h* f(t(n),x(n));

Your assignment

One of the real power of numerical methods is that it allows you to see what the solution looks like, even if you can't solve it exactly. The problem below is an example of a Bernoulli differential equation. These can be solved but require more advanced methods.
Question 1: Apply the Euler method to solve
from to . Your code should use a function, just as in the code I used to find z(t) in the most recent section.
Modify the above code (using a function f) so that it solves this ODE
Note that this problem has exact solution
Then do the following:
You should hand in a printout of your code, any figures you print, and a report of a few sentences answering all the questions.
Question 2 The Euler method is an example of a first order method. This means that the error is proportional to h, so that doubling the number of points roughly cuts the error roughly by a factor of two.
The improved Euler method is what's known as a two-step method. It requires two evaluations of the function per time step. At each step, we define two extra quantities before computing .
The payoff for using this more complicated method is that it is second order! This means that each time you double the number of time steps the error goes down by a factor of four. This is a big deal.
Program this method to solve the same problem from Question 1 and
The standard method most people use for general purposes is called fourth-order Rung-Kutta. It uses four evaluations at each step, and the method's total error scales like For certain applications, such as computing spacecraft trajectories, scientists are likely to use methods that are of much higher order, even 12th order!
function yprime=f(t,y)
yprime = (sin(t)+1/(1+t))*y;