Strogatz Problem 4.3.3
Math 473, Fall 2020
This is a small demonstration program that allows you to draw a simple bifurcation diagram. There are much better (and more mathematically sophisticated) ways to draw a bifurcation diagram than this quick-and-dirty code. Those are called continuation methods and there is a great continuation package for MATLAB called matcont.
Let's draw a bifurcation diagram for
f=@(theta,mu) mu*sin(theta)-sin(2*theta);
fprime=@(theta,mu) mu*cos(theta)-2*cos(2*theta);
title('Red is unstable, blue is stable')
Subroutines section
function simpleBifurcationDiagram(f,fprime,xVector,muVector)
A small function to detect sign changes
function [m,p]=signChanges(y)
s=y(1:end-1).*y(2:end); % <=0 if or only if a sign change or a zero